UDC Consortium International UDC Seminar 2011

Gruppo di lavoro Italia

This space is devoted to documents of the working group on UDC Italian applications.

The group is currently working on revision proposals for the class 1, Philosophy.

Mailing list; Fonti; Bibliografia; Resoconti prodotti

Mailing list



Classificazione della filosofia

Bettella C, Carrara M eds, 2009, The philosophy of classifying philosophy, Knowledge organization. 36. 2-3

Chabot S, 2007, The problems of philosophy as a discipline in bibliographic classification: the example BC1, Subject/Object, <subjectobject.net>

ISKO Italia, 2007, Classificare le scienze umane: il caso filosofia: giornata di studio, Padova, 2 febbraio 2007

Langridge D, Classification and indexing in the humanities, Butterworth, London 1976

Tiberi M, Mazzocchi F, 2006, Thesauri nei domini ambiente e filosofia, Incontro ISKO Italia-UniMIB. 2. 5

Revisione della classe di Religione

Broughton V, 1999, Proposals. Class 2 Religion and Theology, Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 21, p _

Broughton V, 2000, A new classification for the literature of religion, Proceedings 66th IFLA Council and general conference, Jerusalem, 13-18 August 2000

[Broughton V, Slavic A], 2002-, Facet analytical theory in managing knowledge structures for humanities, University College London

Revisioni della UDC

Dahlberg I, 1971, Possibilities for a reorganization of the UDC, Proceedings of Second seminar on UDC and mechanized information systems, Frankfurt, 1st-5h June 1970, ed. R Mölgaard-Hansen, M Westring-Nielsen, Danish centre for documentation, Copenhagen, p. 193-211

Fédération Internationale d'Information et de Documentation, 1991, Guidelines for the creation of a standard version of UDC, FID, The Hague, revised version in Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 27: 1995, p _

Kyle B, Vickery BC, 1961, The Universal Decimal Classification: present position and future developments, UNESCO bulletin for libraries, 15, 2

Slavic A, Cordeiro MI, Riesthuis G, 2008, Maintenance of the Universal Decimal Classification: overview of the past and preparations for the future, International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 37, 2, p. 23-29

Task force for system development, 1990, Final report. 69 p.

Resoconti prodotti

Gnoli C, Mazzocchi F, Slavic A, 2008, Announcement: the UDC Philosophy revision project, Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 30, p 17-19, then in DLIST, 2672.

Slavic A, 2009, Italian UDC working group, Universal Decimal Classification [blog].

Gnoli C, 2009, UDC Philosophy Revision Report 1, UDC Consortium, republished with slight changes in Extensions & corrections to the UDC.

Gnoli C, Slavic A, 2009, Developing facets in UDC for online retrieval, 8th European NKOS Workshop, Corfu, 1 October 2009.

Gnoli C, 2011, UDC Philosophy Revision Report 2, UDC Consortium.


UDC Consortium. Gruppo di lavoro Italia / CG – <http://italia.udcc.org/index.html> : 2009.02.17 - 2011.09.12 -